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5 Wget Command Examples to Download Files in Linux Wget is used to download your files from the remote server and is mainly used on Linux... Can I host unlimited domains with one VPS plan? If yes how? Yes, you can host unlimited domains under one VPS Hosting plan. However, in order to host... Can I perform basic operations on this VPS, such as storing files, installing Chrome, and accessing websites? Yes, absolutely. All our Windows VPS plans come with Full Admin access, which allows you to... Can you help moving my website from another hosting company to AccuWebHosting.com? Yes, we will help you with migrating your website from another hosting company to... Command To Check Memory Usage In Linux. Here is the list of commands that can be used to check memory usage in Linux.  1) grep  You can... Difference Between 'su' and 'sudo'; and How to Configure sudo in Linux VPS As we know, Linux provides much better security than other options. You can set the user... Do You Provide GUI With VPS or Just a Command Line? Yes, we provide a GUI environment on all Windows VPS plans. However, in Linux VPS, you will not... Do you offer any Addon Features with VPS Hosting? Yes, we offer various Addon features such as RAM, Disk, Bandwidth, IP, etc. But currently,... Do you support Ubuntu OS in Linux Cloud VPS? Can I login via OpenSSH client? Ubuntu is available in our Linux Cloud VPS and Linux VPS hosting plans. You will be able to login... Dos and Don'ts for Linux VPS Dos and Don'ts for Linux Classic VPS, SSD VPS, and Linux Private Cloud VPS 1. Please allow SSH/... Explain ifconfig Command in Linux The ifconfig command configures network interfaces in the computer's kernel. It is used during... Explain the command "hwclock" hwclock is a UNIX and Linux command for accessing the computer's hardware clock. This is the... Explain the steps to Install Python 3.9 on Debian 11 Kindly follow the below-mentioned steps to install Python 3.9 on the Debian 11 server. Step 1:... Fatal Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in homeuserpublic_htmlincludesconnection.php Error Message Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in... Fix cPanel Error - The Email Account Already Exists Sometimes, you add an email account from cPanel and get an error message – The Email Account... Fix: Exim error-exim dead but subsys locked Problem StatementThe php mail scripts were not working in Linux VPS. Error Messageexim dead but... Fix: Linux SSH error "connection refused" Are you encountering an "SSH Connection refused" error while connecting to your website using... Fix: Unable to add domain in cPanel that points to some other server Problem StatementUnable to add domain (which is not pointing to cPanel server.) in cPanel Error... Fix: file open /home/user/etc/domainname/passwd failed with error no such file or directory Problem StatementGetting error while creating an email account from cPanel. Error Messagefile... Fix:: SSH Error: Starting sshd: Missing privilege separation directory: /var/empty/sshd Problem Statement Could not connect to the Linux machine through SSH. Error Message While... How Can I View My Website before DNS Changes? Before DNS propagation, you can browse your website with a temporary URL.  We have shared the... How Do I Check the Bandwidth Utilization of VPS? Windows VPS To check/ monitor the usage of each Windows VPS, we have installed a bandwidth meter... How Do I Connect to Linux VPS through SSH from Linux and Windows OS? This article will guide you on logging in to VPS Hosting through SSH (Secure Shell) from Linux... How Do I Enable Apache File and Directory Indexing in Linux or UNIX? There are two ways to enable Apache file and directory indexing –  I) Using Apache config file –... How Do I Install the MERN Stack Application on Ubuntu 22? How to Install a MERN Stack Application on Ubuntu 22.04? The MERN stack (MongoDB, Exprеss.js,... How To Configure the Apache Web Server on an Ubuntu or Debian VPS Apache is one of the internet's most favoured web servers, serving over half of all active... How To Disable The Lfd Excessive Resource Usage Alert In Whm/cpanel? LFD stands for Login Failure Daemon. It's an application on the server with CSF firewall for... How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu 20.04 Introduction A "LAMP" stack is a collection of open-source software that is often deployed... How To Install and Secure Redis on Ubuntu 20.04? Introduction Redis is an in-memory key-value store well-known for its adaptability, performance,... How To Set Up Redis as a Cache for MySQL with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04? Introduction Remote Dictionary Server, commonly known as Redis, is a fast in-memory open-source... How can I find the SMTP server IP address? SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol used for sending email... How can you enable SSH compression to improve performance over slow connections? Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol used to securely access and manage servers, routers, switches,... How do you change the default SSH port to enhance security? Introduction: Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol widely used for securely accessing and managing... How do you configure SSH keep-alive to prevent sessions from timing out? Secure Shell (SSH) is a way to connect two computers over a network safely. People often use it... How do you enable detailed logging of SSH access? SSH (Secure Shell) is one of the most commonly used protocols to access and manage Linux servers... How long will it take to set up my VPS order? Once we receive any new order after certain verifications, the order will be added to the queue... How to Add My SSH Key to GitHub/ Bitbucket? Do you want to deploy your websites using GitHub or Bitbucket to AccuWeb Hosting?  To deploy... How to Add Remote MySQL Connection in Linux? You can add a remote MySQL connection in Linux by following these 3 steps –  Edit MySQL config... How to Add a New IP Address in Virtualmin? You can add an IP Address via Networking Module directly with Virtualmin.  To do this, you need... How to Add a User to the Sudo Group in Linux VPS? When you set up a new server, a default account is created called root. This user has complete... How to Add an IP Address in Ubuntu using Command? Sometimes you may require to add the IP Address manually in the Ubuntu network interface, which... How to Add an IP Address on Ubuntu 18.04 using Netplan? We can configure IP Addresses on Ubuntu 18.04 using Netplan while adding an IP Address in the... How to Allow or Block the Port and IP Address using Firewalld, IP Tables, and UFW in Linux? The firewall plays a crucial role in managing incoming and outgoing network traffic on Linux... How to Apply Linux Kernel Security Patches, Manually and Automatically without Reboot? Linux Kernel gets frequent updates, and it is essential to update the kernel security patches to... How to Block an IP Address using .htaccess? You can block traffic from any specific IP address with the .htaccess file by following the steps... How to Change LiteSpeed WebServer Port on cPanel? Please refer to the following steps to change the LiteSpeed WebServer Port on cPanel. 1. Log in... How to Change Magento Site URL from phpMyAdmin? Magento is a widely used E-commerce store management system.  In this article, we will show you... How to Change the MySQL Timeout Limit in Linux? Please refer to the following steps to change the MySQL timeout error –   1. Log in to your... How to Change the SSH Port on Ubuntu? Please refer to the following steps to change the SSH port in Ubuntu. 1. Log in to your server... How to Change the Time Zone on Ubuntu 18.04 Server? You can execute the steps given below using root or sudo users to change the timezone on Ubuntu... How to Check Bandwidth Usage from WHM Panel? Within Web Host Manager (WHM), you can check the bandwidth usage of all the hosted websites by... How to Check Inode Usage from cPanel and Command Line? An inode is a data structure that stores information about all files created on a hosting... How to Check Nameservers Using System Console in Windows and Linux? A system console is a command-line tool to manage the operating system and perform administrative... How to Check PHP and Apache Modules that are Installed on Linux? To check which PHP and Apache Modules are installed on Linux, you can follow these steps –  Log... How to Clean Yum Cache on CentOS? Introduction It's important for Linux usеrs who arе oftеn installing, updating, and dеlеting... How to Compress and Extract Files Using the tar Command on Linux? Creating archive files with .tar, .gz, or .tgz files is easy; it is also called Tarballs.  This... How to Configure Automatic Updates with Yum-Cron on CentOS 7? It is essential to update your CentOS system from a security perspective because your system may... How to Configure Exim Outgoing IP Address from WHM? By default, all the outgoing emails from the Exim will be sent from the server’s primary IPv4... How to Configure Redis Caching to Speed Up WordPress on Ubuntu 18.04? Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store. It can be used as a DB, cache, and DB... How to Configure VSFTPD with SSL/ TLS Encrypted Connection? Before you proceed with the steps to configure VSFTPD with SSL/ TLS encrypted connection, ensure... How to Configure Your Ubuntu Firewall with UFW and Set Firewall Rules? Introduction: In simple terms, a firewall is like a security guard for computer networks. It... How to Create Users and Groups in CentOS 7? Linux is an operating system designed to support multiple users simultaneously, making it a... How to Create a New Folder in cPanel File Manager cPanel’s intuitive user interface and necessary tasks for your website or server can be completed... How to Delete Mailman Archives on cPanel Using a Command? If you have created a mailman mailing list called [email protected] and want to clear it, you... How to Deploy Laravel Application with Nginx on Ubuntu? Laravel is a PHP framework, and Nginx is a web browser that can be installed on Ubuntu. Nginx is... How to Determine what is Using the Most Disk Space on a Linux Server? You may sometimes come across the following error while accessing the cPanel Webmail or WHM –... How to Disable SELinux on CentOS? Security-Enhanced Linux, also known as SELinux, is a security module of the Linux kernel which... How to Disable SSH Login for the Root User in Linux? Please refer to the steps below to disable root login using SSH in Linux.  1. Log in to your... How to Enable Extended Logging in Exim? The Extended Exim Log helps troubleshoot the Exim issues on the Linux server by allowing you to... How to Enable Jailed SSH Access for cPanel users? SSH, or Secure Socket Shell, is a safe way for administrators to access a computer from a... How to Enable Plaintext Authentication in Dovecot? Dovecot is an open-source IMAP or POP3 server that creates a lightweight and high-performance... How to Enable Root User in Ubuntu Server? Please refer to the steps given below to enable root users in Ubuntu – 1. Log in to your Ubuntu... How to Enable SFTP in a Linux VPS? The SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), also known as the Secure File Transfer Protocol, enables... How to Find All Files Larger than 1GB in Linux? If your server runs multiple applications, it could run out of space anytime. When your server... How to Find All Files/ Folders with 777 Permission in Linux? First, let us understand the meaning of 777 file permission in Linux. If any files/ folders on... How to Find All the Files Owned by a Specific User in Unix/ Linux? You can implement the command given below to find all files on the server owned by the specific... How to Find Files Modified in the Last 30 Days in Linux? In Linux, we can use the find command to search the files across the file system. However, there... How to Fix - Apache Error: No Matching DirectoryIndex? You may face the error given below while accessing applications that have index files other than... How to Flush DNS Cache on Linux? You may have observed some websites you frequently visit load significantly faster than others.... How to Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with OpenSSL? OpenSSL is used to generate a pair of private keys and public Certificate Signing Request (CSR)... How to Generate and Use the SSH Key in Linux System? This article will briefly describe generating and using an SSH key in the Linux system. How to... How to Hide Your NGINX Server Version? Sometimes hackers target your server with the banner-grabbing technique. Usually, banner grabbing... How to Increase Open Files Limit in Ubuntu? You may receive a message on a Linux system like "Too many open files"; this means the server has... How to Increase Timeout in PuTTY? Linux servers or VPS can be accessible through PuTTY from the Windows OS. However, at some point,... How to Install A-AST Linux Malware Detect Interface in cPanel/ WHM? You can scan your cPanel VPS and Dedicated Server against malware and keep your environment clean... How to Install Apache on Ubuntu? Apache is one of the popular web servers as it has many robust features, including dynamic... How to Install CentOS Web Panel on CentOS 7.x? This article will guide you on how to install CentOS Web Panel on CentOS 7.x. CentOS web panel... How to Install CodeIgniter CentOS 7? CodeIgniter is a PHP framework used to build a web application that is widely used by developers... How to Install ConfigServer Explorer in Linux VPS? Undoubtedly, WHM has been the most comprehensive control panel of all time for Linux-based... How to Install ConfigServer Firewall in Linux VPS? The ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) is one of the most popular and advanced firewall suites available... How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04? Docker is a container-based tool for creating, deploying, and running applications using... How to Install Dotnet Core on CentOS 7? Dotnet Core is now available with the Linux OS.  Following are the steps to install Dotnet Core... How to Install EPEL Repo on CentOS and RHEL 7? Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) can be installed easily as an additional package on... How to Install FFMPEG in WHM/cPanel Server? Do you want to improve multimedia features on your WHM/cPanel server? FFMPEG can help! It handles... How to Install FFmpeg on CentOS 7 VPS? FFmpeg is a multimedia codex that can convert audio and video files into different formats;... How to Install FTP on Ubuntu 18.04? File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to share files and folders from one server to another using... How to Install Git on CentOS 7? Git is a famous version-control system that tracks your code and code management changes.... How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04 using Command Line? Following are the steps to install Google Chrome using Command Line –  1. Edit the source.list... How to Install ISPConfig on CentOS 7.x? ISPConfig is an open-source control panel for Linux with an easy-to-use web interface that helps... How to Install ISPConfig on Debian 10? ISPConfig is an open-source hosting control panel for Linux, which is used widely because it is... How to Install ISPConfig on Ubuntu 18.04? This article will help you in installing ISPConfig on Ubuntu 18.04.ISPConfig is an open-source... How to Install Java on Ubuntu 18.04? Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. There are lots of applications and... How to Install Jenkins on CentOS 7? Jenkins is an open-source and free tool for developers to develop, test and deploy the code... How to Install JetBackup on CentOS/ RHEL 7 with cPanel? Please follow these steps to install JetBackup on CentOS/ RHEL with cPanel –  1. Purchase your... How to Install Joomla from Softaculous in cPanel? Joomla is an open-source and popular content management system (CMS). cPanel allows you to... How to Install LAMP Stack on AlmaLinux 9? AlmaLinux 9 is a widespread Linux distribution that sеrvеs as a rеplacеmеnt for CеntOS. It is... How to Install LEMP Stack (Nginx, MariaDB, PHP7.2) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7.2 are called (LEMP).  You can follow the steps below to install LEMP on... How to Install Magento 2.x in cPanel? Please refer to Install Magento 2.4.2 on cPanel for more details.  System Requirement... How to Install Minecraft Game Server in Linux VPS? This article will assist you in installing Minecraft Server in your Linux VPS.  Check out our... How to Install ModSecurity on CentOS 7.x with Apache? ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall that monitors incoming web requests to a... How to Install MongoDB Version 4.0 on CentOS 7? MongoDB is an open-source and free database service that is a NoSQL Database and is different... How to Install MongoDB in CentOS? MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified... How to Install MySQL on CentOS 7.x? MySQL is one of the popular database management systems.  Currently, MySQL is no longer within... How to Install Nagios 4.4.5 on CentOS 7? Nagios Core (formerly known as Nagios) is an open-source monitoring tool that is used to monitor... How to Install Nextcloud on Ubuntu? Nextcloud is an open-source and secure PHP-based content collaboration platform for file sharing... How to Install Nginx on CentOS 7? Nginx is a web server that can be installed on Linux Server.  You may have heard about the... How to Install NodeBB on a CentOS VPS? NodeBB is an open-source and powerful forum software based on Node.js. It is a very easy-to-use,... How to Install OpenJDK JAVA 11/8 on Ubuntu? You can follow the steps in this article to install JAVA OpenJDK in all the Ubuntu versions –... How to Install PIP in Linux? PIP, an acronym for "Pip Installs Packages," is the package installer for Python. It installs and... How to Install Postfix on Ubuntu 18.04? Postfix is an open-source Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) used to route and deliver emails on a Linux... How to Install Redis on Ubuntu? Remote Dictionary Server, or Redis, is an open-source in-memory data structure server. It’s used... How to Install SHOUTcast Radio Server on Linux VPS? This article will assist you in installing SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server (DNAS 2.0)... How to Install Tomcat 7 on CentOS? Tomcat is an open-source web server built in Java Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies.... How to Install Visual Studio Code on CentOS 7? Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is an open-source, cross-platform code editor. It provides... How to Install WP-CLI on Ubuntu? WordPrеss Command Linе Intеrfacе (WP-CLI) is a powerful tool that lеts WordPrеss usеrs and... How to Install and Configure Django on VPS Hosting and Dedicated Servers? This article will guide installing and configuring Django on VPS Hosting and Dedicated Servers.... How to Install and Configure Dovecot on CentOS? Dovecot is an open-source IMAP and POP3 Mail Server for Linux and UNIX Operating Systems, which... How to Install and Configure Fail2Ban on Ubuntu? Protecting your server from a Brute Force Attack on the internet is vital for which you can use... How to Install and Configure the HAProxy on CentOS? HAProxy is a fast and useful tool for high availability and load balancing that can work with TCP... How to Install and Use Screen in Linux? What is Screen in Linux? In Linux, a screen is a utility that allows you to create multiple... How to Install ionCube Loader on CentOS 7 Manually? ionCube is a PHP module that protects the PHP application's source code from being viewed from an... How to Install phpMyAdmin client on CentOS 7? MySQL is a popular open-source database well known for its balance between speed and features.... How to Install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7? PhpMyAdmin is a web-based tool that provides a user interface for managing MariaDB databases. It... How to Install the CloudFlare cPanel Plugin in Linux VPS? The CloudFlare plugin integrates CloudFlare services with the cPanel server. It allows your... How to Install the Latest Nginx on Ubuntu?   How to Install thе Latеst Nginx on Ubuntu? Nginx is a powerful and еfficiеnt wеb sеrvеr known... How to Install the Zabbix Agent Version 3.0 on Debian 9 (Stretch)? Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool used to monitor the health of servers, networks, and... How to Install the Zabbix Agent Version 4.0 on Debian 9 (Stretch)? Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool used to monitor the health of servers, networks, and... How to Kill a Process Running on Specific Port in Linux? First, we will need to identify the Process ID that runs on any port. Once we find the Process... How to Kill a Process on Linux using Command? There might be an issue with applications that can get stuck and not work correctly. In this... How to List All Files Ordered by Size in Linux? In Linux, we can list all the files using the ls command. Here, we will share some commands which... How to Manage Linux VPS (SSD and Traditional) from VPS Management Portal? We offer a SolusVM VPS management portal with SSD Linux VPS and Traditional Linux VPS plans.... How to Manage Linux VPS (SSD and Traditional) from the Client Area? This article will guide you in managing your Linux VPS (SSD and Traditional) from the client area... How to Manually Transfer cPanel Accounts from Shared Hosting to VPS/ Dedicated Server? cPanel facilitates completing a full cPanel account along with websites, email accounts, MySQL... How to Monitor Network Usage with nload in Linux? You may need to monitor your network bandwidth usage daily, which nload will help you make your... How to Parse PHP in HTML Files? If you want all the .html pages of your websites to run as .php, or if you want to parse the PHP... How to Place an Order for Linux VPS Hosting? Step 1 1. First, select your desired Linux VPS Hosting plan with your preferred billing cycle... How to Prevent File/ Directory Modification, Deletion and Renaming in Linux? To prevent any file from being modified, deleted, or renamed, you will need to set the immutable... How to Protect GRUB with Password in Linux? GRand Unified Bootloader, commonly known as GRUB, is a default bootloader on Unix OS. One of the... How to Read An Exim Maillog's Log Line flags? Exim mail server, keeps a record of its activities in a hidden realm known as the "log". The... How to Recompile Apache Using EasyApache from WHM? You would be required to recompile the Apache primarily when you attempt to perform one of the... How to Redirect ‘http’ to ‘https; using .htaccess? If you have installed an SSL Certificate on your website and want to redirect your website... How to Remotely Copy Files Over SSH Without Entering Your Password? We can easily copy the files from one Linux machine to another using SSH, for which you can see... How to Remove Swap Space from CentOS 7.x? Please refer to the following steps to remove Swap Space from CentOS 7.x –  1. First, use the... How to Reset MySQL 8.0 Root Password on CentOS 7.x? You may need to reset your MySQL root password if you lose or forget it. MySQL stores the... How to Reset the Plesk Admin Password using SSH in Linux Server? Note: This will apply only to Plesk Onyx. You can directly reset the Plesk admin password using... How to Reset/ Renew cPanel/ WHM Self-Signed Certificate? You might be receiving an email with a subject like - “The SSL certificate for “[service like... How to Restart cPanel Service on a Server via SSH? SSH stands for Secure Shell. It is a protocol used for establishing secure connections to remote... How to Restore MySQL Database using Command in SSH? Step 1Log in to the VPS with the root user. # ssh root@VPS_IP_address Step 2Enter the following... How to Run Multiple PHP Versions with Nginx on Ubuntu? You can run multiple PHP versions on Ubuntu without any issues. But you require multiple PHP... How to SHOW USERS in MySQL and User Information Using Linux? To show the list of users in MySQL and their information using Linux, you can follow these steps:... How to Safely Change the Location of MySQL/ MariaDB Data Directory on cPanel/ WHM Servers? You may require to change the MySQL data directory due to insufficient partition space on /var or... How to Set Automate Tasks on a Linux VPS Using Cron? One of our Linux VPS customers faced an issue wherein his Virtual Machine's system clock was... How to Set File Upload Size Limit in Apache? As we know, Apache is an open-source and free web server.  In this article, we will configure... How to Set Up Apache Password Authentication on Ubuntu 18.08? Almost all applications on the internet have some parts that should be protected with a password,... How to Set Up VSFTPD on CentOS 7.x? VSFTPD (Very Secure FTP Daemon) is an FTP server for Unix/ Linux systems. It is a default FTP... How to Set Up a Cron to Take MySQL Database Backup Daily and Remove the Older Backup Files that are Older than 10 Days? 1. Log in to your Linux server using SSH. 2. Open your crontab using this command –  Crontab -e... How to Setup MySQL Master-Slave Replication on RHEL 7? In the MySQL Replication process, one server's data is automatically copied to another backup... How to Setup NTP Server in CentOS? Network Time Protocol (NTP) automatically syncs your system’s time with a remote server. With the... How to Solve ‘Too many authentication failures for root user’ SSH Error? Note This article is composed in reference to the root user. So, you will need to replace the... How to Speed Up Website Performance using Caching Solution XCache? If you are looking for a caching solution to speed up the website performance, XCache is one of... How to Stop and Disable ClamAV Service from CentOS? We all know that the ClamAV scanner is heavy on CPU-memory resources and should not be used in... How to Stop and Disable Firewalld in AlmaLinux. A firewall is like a guard for your computer. It decides which things from the internet can come... How to Stop/Disable the Exim (Mail Service) in Linux? Systemd is a new manager for Linux systems that handles services. It has replaced the older SysV... How to Sync Time using NTP in the Ubuntu Server? Linux server users might have noticed that after adjusting the system clock to the correct... How to Take Backup of Exim Configuration from WHM? EXIM comes with cPanel, which is responsible for email transfer on the Linux server. Users can... How to Upgrade Debian 7 (Wheezy) to 10 (Buster) Version? It is always recommended to upgrade the version to prevent any security vulnerability. You can... How to Use Gzip in Linux? Linux has many command line tools to compress/ decompress files, and Gzip is one of them.  This... How to Use the Rsync Command in Linux? Rsync is an important Linux command that synchronizes or copies the files and directories within... How to Use ‘chmod’ to Change File Permission? This article will describe how to use the chmod command to modify file permission in Linux... How to Verify if Linux System is 32-bit or 64-bit? You will find the 64-bit OS in most modern computers. It is always recommended to have a 64-bit... How to View the Running Processes of Any User in SSH? If you're a Linux user, you're probably familiar with the command line. And if you're familiar... How to Zip/ Unzip Files/ Folders on CentOS? Zip is a famous archive format used in most operating systems; it is quite simple to zip and... How to activate and Manage Auto-SSL Certificate in WHM/cPanel or Command Line? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It's a protocol that encrypts data transferred between the... How to allow SSH access to specific users or groups? Introduction: Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol used to connect servers remotely. By default, SSH... How to allow or block the ports in Firewalld? Firewalld is an open-source firewall for your computer that helps block unauthorized access. It's... How to change SSH port on Centos 7.x? SSH or secure shell is a network protocol. We use it to connect and access remote servers. We can... How to change root password from WHM? Root user in linux is a particular group that has permission to do almost everything. The root... How to change the hostname of Linux VPS? Usually, when you set up a Linux system or make a virtual machine, the computer/server gets a... How to change the root user password from the command prompt in Linux? If you haven't accessed your system as a root user in a while and haven't stored the login... How to check Ubuntu version from GUI and Terminal? Ubuntu is a popular open-source operating system that is widely used in many applications.... How to clean Yum cache in Linux System? YUM is a tool for managing software on your computer, especially in CentOS. It keeps track of... How to connect a Linux server using WinSCP? What is WinSCP? WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free tool for Windows computers. It helps you... How to create a Zip file in Linux? ZIP is a popular way to compress files and folders to save space and network usage. While Linux... How to enable a symlink in Linux from command line? Linux supports two different ways of creating symbolic links. The first method requires running... How to enable error-log.txt logging using .htaccess file? You need to add the lines given below in the .htaccess file if you want your PHP errors within... How to enable sftp and jailed SSH in cPanel/WHM server? SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. It is a secure file transfer protocol that uses... How to extend hard disk size of a VM with KVM virtualization on SolusVM panel? Introduction In this guidе, wе will еxplain thе procеss of еxpanding disk spacе for a VMwarе... How to find the total number of CPUs in a Linux server? The Central Processing Units (CPUs) are the physical hardware components that carry out... How to fix AlmaLinux Error GPG Check Failed? Fixing AlmaLinux GPG Check Failed Issue If you're trying to install packages on AlmaLinux and... How to fix Put Requests - 405 Error? When facing a 405 error while making a PUT request, it indicates that the requested method is not... How to fix the “su user fails” with the ‘su: cannot create child process: Resource temporarily unavailable’ error in CloudLinux? You may face the below error while switching the accounts using the su command. # su accutest... How to fix “This site can’t be reached” Error in Nginx? Introduction Nginx is a widely used web server that powers many high-traffic websites.... How to generate SSH Key for Key-Based SSH authentication in AlmaLinux? SSH, or Secure Shell, is a way to connect to other servers safely. It uses keys to make sure it's... How to generate file checksums and verify file integrity on Linux? How do you generate file checksums and verify file integrity on Linux? Ensuring thе intеgrity of... How to install MEAN stack on Ubuntu 20.04? A MEAN Stack is a free, open-source, popular JavaScript software stack for developing dynamic... How to install Python Pip3 in Ubuntu? Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers and data scientists... How to install SSL on Linux Ubuntu and Almalinux server without control panel? Many websites use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for security. SSL encrypts the data sent between the... How to install Umbraco in Linux? Umbraco, an open-source content management system, is relatively less well-known compared to... How to install Virtualmin on AlmaLinux ? Virtualmin is a domain hosting & website control panel enabling users to establish and... How to install latest nginx on AlmaLinux? Nginx is a powerful and widely used web server and reverse proxy server. Due to its high... How to install npm on a Linux server? Introduction: Npm or Nodе Packagе Managеr is an еssеntial tool for managing and sharing... How to install ntop? ntopng is an open-source network monitoring tool. It is a security network monitoring tool that... How to list and manage Services in Linux? Linux is an operating system widely used by developers and system administrators. It offers a... How to list down all listening ports in Linux? To troubleshoot network connectivity or application issues, you need to check which ports the... How to manually install and configure Bind DNS on a Linux distro? Are you looking to install and configure a DNS server in your Linux environment? Look no further!... How to place Classic VPS order? This is a video tutorial about selecting an appropriate configuration for your Classic VPS order.... How to restart and check the status of the NetworkManager service in AlmaLinux 8? Introduction: Keeping an operating system running smoothly requires managing network... How to update the kernel of a Linux VPS? The Linux kernel is the main component of the Linux operating system and is the core interface... How will You See all Running MySQL Processes On cPanel Server? There are different ways for checking the mysql process list from a cPanel server. It is... I want to operate VPS from India but want to show the US location IP address. Will it be possible? Yes, you can use our VPS from anywhere. You can access the website from VPS, which will act like... If I request an upgrade to my VPS will there be any downtime? VPS requires a single restart to upgrade or downgrade the server. But, we will do it during... In Linux, which File is Used to Write/ Rewrite and other Default Codes? The Apache configuration file '.htaccess' is commonly used to write-rewrite rules and other... Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 20.04 Introduction As part of the initial setup of a new Ubuntu 20.04 server, you need to conduct... Is internal Traffic between Two VPSs, a Database Server, and a Web Server included in My Bandwidth Usage? Yes, the internal traffic between two VPSs, a database server, and a web server is all counted in... Is it possible to take a complete VPS backup in VPS itself?  Please note that there is no provision to backup the entire VPS image in VPS. However, as an... Linux Email service problem - Emails failure - rejected by local scanning code. How to resolve it? Introduction Email is a critical communication tool for businеssеs and individuals, and many... Linux VPS is frequently going out of RAM. Which exact command will you use to find the logs showing it is going out of memory frequently? If you're managing a Linux server, you may encounter memory-related issues from time to time.... Locations of Common Log Files and Configuration Files for cPanel Services This article covers the configuration files and the log file locations of the most common cPanel... On which Platform is Linux VPS Configured? For Linux VPS, you get the Virtualization-KVM with SolusVM Control Panel for all the VPS Hosting... R1Soft: An error occurred while loading the hcpdriver module R1soft CDP backup allows for full server backup, and you can use it to perform bare metal... The action install for product MySQL Server 5.7.19 failed. You may face this error while installing MySQL 5.7 or upgrading MySQL 5.6 to 5.7.  Here is the... Top 20 uses of Find command with examples. The find command in Linux/Unix is a crucial and frequently employed tool for searching files and... Virtual Machine with CentOS 5 32-Bit OS does not Address Physical Memory more than 3 GB Recently we encountered a strange issue wherein a Linux virtual machine with CentOS 5.X 32 Bit... What Benefits will I get by using VPS Hosting? You'll get numerous benefits from VPS Hosting, such as supercharged security and improved... What If I Exceed the Bandwidth Limit that I am assigned with VPS? Our system continually monitors the bandwidth usage of all our VPS.  You will receive alerts if... What Is 304 Status Code and How to resolve It? HTTP 304, also referred to as "304 Not Modified," is a status code used to inform your browser... What Is Crontab? How to Create Cron Jobs on Linux? Cron is a helpful tool in Linux that allows you to automate tasks using scripts at specific times... What are the Benefits of CloudLinux? There are numerous advantages and benefits of CloudLinux OS; we will discuss them in this... What are the options to List, Set, and Manage Linux Environment Variables? Environment variables are important for managing Linux systems. They allow engineers to customize... What is ConfigServer eXploit Scanner? How to install ConfigServer eXploit Scanner in the Cpanel server? ConfigServer eXploit Scanner (CXS) is a Linux-based security utility that detects possible server... What is IP Forwarding in Linux? How to Enable IP Forwarding? IP forwarding helps you to set up the OS to work as a router. For example, you can set IP... What is OOM Killer in Linux Server and how does it Work? What is OOM Killer? Out-of-Memory (OOM) Killer is a utility that kills out-of-memory processes.... What is PHP redirect and how to enable it? PHP redirect is a web development tool for redirecting a visitor from one address to another.... What is symlink? How to add and remove symlink in a Linux server? A symbolic link, also known as a symlink/soft link, is a file that stores the path to an existing... What is the Difference Between Red Hat and CentOS? If you are a system administrator, you may be asked about the difference between CentOS and RHEL... What is the Port connectivity speed in a VPS server? And how does it work? The port speed is the rate/measurement at which you can upload or download data from the VPS... What is the difference between chmod and umask? When it comes to managing file permissions in a Linux environment, two of the most commonly used... What is the difference between suPHP vs PHP-FPM? suPHP and PHP-FPM are both ways to run PHP on a web server, but they work in different ways. When... What is the use of chattr command? Explain it with example The chattr command is a Linux utility that is used to change the file attributes of a file system... Which Command Allows You to View the Hidden Files in SSH? Linux, by default, hides many crucial files for added protection. For example, system or... Which Command is Used to Sort the List of Files/ Folders by Time? We can use the ls command in Linux to list the files/ folders. If we want to sort the data by... Why should I choose VPS Hosting? There are many reasons for choosing VPS Hosting, as it has the fastest server speed and is highly... bash: netstat: command not found. You may face the below error on your Linux OS if you haven’t installed the netstat command... how to configure SSH key-based Authentication in Linux VPS or Dedicated Server This article will guide how to configure SSH key-based Authentication in Linux VPS or Dedicated...
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