What are the Benefits of CloudLinux?

There are numerous advantages and benefits of CloudLinux OS; we will discuss them in this article. 

What is CloudLinux? 

CloudLinux is an operating system specially designed for shared hosting providers. It has functions that improve data security, stability, and density by separating all the users using shared hosting resources into a lightweight virtualized environment (LVE).

There are several benefits of CloudLinux, which include the following –

CloudLinux prevents fluctuations in resource usage and ensures that servers are stable in all conditions. It reduces the resource usage of a single user and enhances server stability. CloudLinux will restrict the single user from using the entire server resource by utilizing the LVE kernel level module and accomplish the control of RAM and CPU.

CloudLinux releases security patches at regular intervals to protect the websites hosted on it. In addition, a lightweight virtualized environment (LVE) protects your websites from malware and hackers accessing vulnerable files.

On other server operating systems, the whole server goes down when one or more accounts are compromised, which endangers all the accounts hosted on the server.

But CloudLinux's lightweight virtualized environment (LVE) isolates each user on the server, so it doesn't affect the entire server but the single account.

Increase Server Efficiency
CloudLinux allows us to limit resource usage per user. Therefore, creating several users on your server will impact the server's resources. However, since you set the limitation on resources used by each account, it will increase server efficiency. 

High-Compatibility with cPanel
One of the key advantages of CloudLinux is compatibility with other interfaces like cPanel. cPanel provides GUI to work with your Linux OS, and most web hosts offer it to their clients. In addition, CloudLinux is also compatible with DirectAdmin, Plesk, CentOS, and RHEL.


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