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How to Change the Root Password of Webuzo Control Panel? This guide will assist you in changing the root password of the webuzo control panel in a few... How To Access The Webuzo Panel? The following article describes how to access the Webuzo control panel on Linux VPS or a... How To Add Site Redirects In Webuzo? Website redirection is sending redirecting the users to another URL than they requested. For... How To Add/Manage Cron Jobs in Webuzo? Cron jobs are widely used for automation to run any task at a specific time on the server.... How To Block IP Address in Webuzo Control Panel? Webuzo control panel holds the feature to block the specific IP address, IP range, or an entire... How To Change File Permissions In Webuzo File Manager? Changing the file permission in the webuzo control panel is very easy with the Webuzo file... How To Check Status And Start, Stop or Restart Services in Webuzo? Webuzo control panel provides rich features to manage the services from the control panel. With... How To Enable/Disable ModSecurity In Webuzo Control Panel? ModSecurity is a firewall popular with Linux server environments supported by different web... How To Force HTTPS Redirect For A Domain In Webuzo? Webuzo has a feature to force the insecure domain connection to HTTPs. With a Few clicks, Webuzo... How To Install Webuso control panel in Linux VPS/Dedicated server? Webuzo is a multi-user hosting control panel that can be used to host 100s of websites or... How To Set Disk Space Limit For A Webuzo User Account? If you have a dedicated server, VPS, or reseller hosting, you may need to edit disk space for a... How To Take Backups In Webuzo? This guide will assist you in managing backup through the Webuzo control panel. Restoring or... How to Add an Email Forwarder in Webuzo? Email forwarding is a process that involves redirecting an email message from its original... How to Change The Password of your Webuzo User Account? Changing the security details like passwords and pins is better to prevent un-authorization. This... How to Create a New FTP Account in Webuzo? Webuzo provides the feature to add/remove FTP accounts. Creating and managing the FTP account... How to Display Hidden .htaccess File in Webuzo File Manager? .htaccess is the critical file that manages the behavior of the website. By default .htaccess... How to Enable/Disable FastCGI for Apache Server via Webuzo? FastCGI(Fast Common Gateway Interface) is a protocol for interfacing with web servers and... How to Enable/Disable PHP Extensions in Webuzo? For different functions, website/web applications have their own system requirement or libraries... How to Password Protect a Directory in Webuzo? Password Protected Directory is a very important feature in limiting websites' specific areas...
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