How to set index page from cPanel via .htaccess?

You can set the custom index page to your website by modifying the .htaccess file. This article will guide you to set the custom index page from cPanel.

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Under Files section, locate and click on File Manager option.

    File Manager

  3. Navigate to your website folder (public_html or sub directory) and search for the .htaccess file. If .htaccess file is not there in your directory then create it manually.
  4. Right click on .htaccess file and select the Code Edit option to open this file in editor.

    Edit .htaccess

  5. Add following line at top of this file and save the .htaccess file.

    DirectoryIndex FileName.html  // Replace FileName.html with your actual index file name.

    For example, if you want to set default.php file as the default page of your website then add the below line in the .htaccess file.

    DirectoryIndex default.php

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