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Can i enable detailed error of my website in Plesk?

When we are writing this article, Plesk doesn't have added any functionality to display detailed error in IIS. You can refer to the following steps to enable it from IIS. 

  1. Open the IIS manager

  2. Select the required Website and double click on Error Pages.

  3. Click on Edit Feature Settings.

  4. Select the Detailed errors radio button and hit the OK button.

    You can also enable detailed error from web.config file. Please refer to how to enable detailed error from web.config file for more details. 

Enable custom HTML page error in Plesk

  1. Login to your Plesk Panel.

  2. Go to Websites & Domains >> Click on Hosting Settings.

  3. Inside, Web scripting and statistics tick on Custom Error Document.

  4. Go to the Websites & Domains >> Virtual Directories >> Error Documents

  5. Click on the error you want to set up for your page. 

  6. Select file or URL and your page for the same error and click on the button. 

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