cPanel provides free SSL Certificate to the WHM/cPanel users. Since it is an automated process by cPanel, there is no need to copy/paste the certificate. The Main benefit of Auto SSL Certificate is, it will be renewed automatically on its expiration time, and also it will also cover the sub-domains of the same cPanel user account. Let us go towards the steps to enable the Auto-SSL Certificate.
- How to enable AutoSSL?
- Login to the WHM Panel.
- Navigate to the SSL/TLS >> Choose an AutoSSL provider: cPanel (Powered by Comodo)
This will lead the WHM to add the AutoSSL Package in Feature Manager. It will also set a cronjob to install and download the SSL Certificate for the hosted Domains.
You can check the status of your Auto SSL Certificate from the Logs. The Log file can be for all users or for the separate cPanel user. Select the log and click on the View Log button.
- How to enable AutoSSL for a User?
- Navigate to the Manage AutoSSL a Click on the Manage Users button.
- Select your User and choose Enable AutoSSL option. will add your user in the queue to install the Auto SSL Certificate.
You can verify the Auto-SSL Logs for the same user from Manage SSL>>Logs.