Web Application Gallery module is unavailable

You can install your required application directly from SolidCP Web-App-Gallary Module. However, you may encounter an error Web Application Gallery module is unavailable in SolidCP while selecting Web-Application Gallary. Below-mentioned steps will help you to enable the Web-app Gallary on the SolidCP.

  1. Login to the SolidCP.

  2. Go to Main Menu >> system setting >> configuration >> WEB PLATFORM INSTALLER SETTINGS.

  3. Add the URLs mentioned below.

Main Feed URL :

  • https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9842185

Custom Feeds :

  • https://aka.ms/webapplicationlist

  • https://webpifeed.blob.core.windows.net/webpifeed/MediaProductList.xml

  • https://webpifeed.blob.core.windows.net/webpifeed/ToolsProductList.xml

  1. Save settings.

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