How to create a customer in SolidCP?

This tutorial will assist you to create a SolidCP user and add hosting space in SolidCP. Please note that, before you create a SolidCP user, you must Create Hosting Plan.

  1. Login to SolidCP control panel.

  2. Once you are logged into SolidCP, click on Create Customer link.

    Create Customer

  3. In the next screen, fill up the necessary user details and click on Create button.

    Create User Account

  4. Once the new user is created, you will be landed on Hosting Spaces page. Click on Create Hosting Space button to create new hosting space.

    Create Hosting Space

  5. In the next screen, select the Hosting Plan from the drop down. Select Active option in Hosting Space drop down menu. Enter your domain name in the box, check the checkboxes Create Web Site and Create FTP Account. Click on Create Space button.

    Add Space

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