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Why does the subject prefix SPAM-LOW appear in each email I receive?

If you see the word SPAM in the subject line of receiving emails, it indicates that SmarterMail is identifying the incoming emails as potential spam due to content scoring. When you override the SmarterMail’s default spam settings, you can choose actions to be taken on incoming emails. You can also change the weights of probability for following three ranges of spam.
  1. Low Probability of Being Spam (Weight -10)
  2. Medium Probability of Being Spam (Weight -20)
  3. High Probability of Being Spam (Weight -30)

For each level of spam, you can choose from following actions.

  • No action: Nothing is done to the message and it is delivered as normal
  • Delete Message: Message is deleted from the the mailbox and not delivered
  • Move to Junk E-Mail Folder: Message is moved to your SmarterMail's Junk E-Mail folder for later review.
  • Add Text to Subject: An automatic prefix is attached to the message's Subject line

When Add Text to Subject is selected as action, following prefix will be added in subject line based on the score that the message has.

  • Spam score from 10 – 20: Prefix message subject "SPAM-LOW"
  • Spam score from 20 – 30: Prefix message subject "SPAM-MED"
  • Spam score above 30: Prefix message subject "SPAM-HIGH"
When the SmarterMail server receives an email, it will evaluate emails by running various checks against the message. For each check that the message fails, its respective weight is added to the overall score of the email message. This mechanism is used to determine whether the message falls into the Low, Medium or High probability ranges. If the spam "score" is over 40 then email will be blocked and returned to the sender.

→ Looking to override spam filtering service in smartermail? Please refer to override spam filtering for more details.

→ Looking to reduce incoming spam on smartermail? Please refer to reduce spam for more details.

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