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How to restrict users from Sending or Receiving Emails in SmarterMail?

SmarterMail allows domain and system administrators to restrict certain users accounts from sending or receiving emails. For example, a company do not want all employees to send emails via company's domain name. To achieve this, domain administrators can setup the service access settings in a way that not all employee would be able to send email from the company's domain name.

Enable Service Access Settings

  1. Log in to SmarterMail with admin user.
  2. Click the Domains icon and select the domain name. Click Edit in the content pane toolbar.

    Select Domain

  3. Click the Features tab. Locate and check the checkbox of Control of service access checkbox.

    Control Service Access

  4. Click Save.

Modify Service Access Settings

Once Service Access settings are enabled, domain administrators can limit user access to POP, IMAP, SMTP, and Webmail.

Restrict access for a specific user

  1. Login as the domain administrator.
  2. Click on Settings icon.

    User Settings

  3. Expand the Domain Settings folder and select Users option. Select the user you wish to edit and click on Edit.

    Domain Settings

  4. Select the Service Access tab.

    Service Access

  5. By default, all options will be enabled. To disable the services access uncheck the appropriate checkboxes.
  6. Click on Save.

Restrict access for all users of a domain

  1. Login as the domain administrator.
  2. Click on Settings icon.

    User Settings

  3. Expand the Domain Settings and Advanced Settings folders.
  4. Click on Default User SettingsClick on the Service Access tab and uncheck the checkboxes to disable the service access. Click on Save.

    Default User Settings

  5. Click on User Propagation in the left tree view. Click on the Service Access tab and select the checkboxes to identify which settings to propagate.

    User Propagation

  6. Click on Propagate Now.

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