This article covers the installation of the Plesk Control Panel on Linux Server through command-line interface.
Step 1
Now, if you have not installed any text editor yet, then install your choice of text editor by the yum utility as follows. We have installed the nano text editor in the following example.
yum -y update
yum install nano
Step 2
Once all packages are updated, install wget utility by issuing the following command. Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the web.
yum install wget
Step 3
The next step is to disable SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), as it may cause the conflicts with Plesk installation. Disable the SELinux by applying the following command.
setenforce 0
Step 4
On the next step, we\'ll make a directory named Plesk and navigate to that directory.
mkdir /root/plesk
cd /root
Step 5
Install screen utility so we can run the Plesk installation in the background, even after disconnecting the SSH connection.
yum install screen
Once screen utility is installed in your machine, apply the screen command to open a new screen.
Step 6
Go to Plesk panel installer download page. If you want to try Plesk panel before buying the license , then you can get a FREE 14 days trial license by filling up the form shown below. On below page, you will also find the commands to download and execute the Linux Plesk installer. You can simply copy one of the commands and apply in your Linux VPS where you want to install the Plesk Panel.
As you can see, there are 2 options for Plesk installer ONE-CLICK INSTALLATION & CUSTOM INSTALLATION. If you want to have an interactive Plesk setup with the ability of choosing the components, go with CUSTOM SELECTION. Note that, Plesk installation steps mentioned in this tutorial is for the CUSTOM INSTALLATION.
Step 7
Copy the command shown under CUSTOM INSTALLATION and apply to your VPS.
sh <(curl || wget -O -
This command will download the Plesk installer and lead you to an interactive installation process. Soon after the applying the above command, you will see the following screen. Type N and hit enter to proceed to next page.
Step 8
On the next screen, the setup will ask you to select the installer media. We will keep this option default as Install products from official Plesk server. just type N and hit enter to proceed to next page.
Step 9
On the next screen, you can configure the proxy settings according to your setup. Here, we will keep the default option of Do not use proxy. Just type N and hit enter to proceed to next page.
Step 10
Select the Plesk version on the next screen. Here press 1 to expand the selection.
Step 11
To install the selected Plesk version, hit enter key.
Step 12
On the next screen, the setup will ask type of installation you want to proceed with. Here, we will choose the Custom installation type. To select the Custom installation, press 4 and then hit enter.
Step 13
In the following screen, you can see that Custom installation is selected. To proceed with custom installation, press N and then hit enter.
Step 14
Now, little tricky part comes. On the following screen, we\'ll have to select the components to be installed. Following is the screen with the default components selected. We will select components Server Health Monitor, Web Presence Builder and Plesk Migrator.
To select the components, you just have to type the respective component number and press enter. As you make the component selection, asterisk sign (*) will appear in square bracket of the respective component.
Note that components from 11 to 14 contain several sub-components and to expand these sub-components, you\'ll have to type the component number and hit enter. In our setup, we will proceed with default components for Webmail services, Mail Hosting and Plesk extensions categories.
We will add some sub-components in Web Hosting (13) category. So, just type 13 and hit enter to select the Web Hosting sub-components.
Step 15
On the next screen, select ModSecurity (5) component. Type 7 and then enter to select the Apache sub-components.
Step 16
On the Apache components page, select mod_perl, mod_bw and mod_python sub-components. Once components are selected, press L and then enter to go back to primary components list.
Step 17
At the Web Hosting Primary Components list, type 8 and then hit enter to select the PHP interpreter versions. On the next screen, select PHP versions you want to install on the server. For this example, we\'ve chosen PHP 5.5 and PHP 5.4. Once PHP versions are selected, type L then hit enter to go back to the primary components list.
Step 18
Once again, you are reached to Web Hosting Primary Components list. Here press 9 and then hit enter to select the Nginx web server and reverse proxy server component.
For this example, we have chosen an Nginx web server not to be installed and hence we have deselected it, but you can select the components according to your requirements. Once your component selection is made, type L and then hit enter to go back to the primary components list.
Step 19
Once the component selection is made, your Main Components list of Plesk (after selection) should look like as follows. Type N and then hit enter to proceed with the selected component installation.
Step 20
On the next screen, setup will calculate the total required disk space and available disk space. Simply type N and then hit enter to proceed.
Step 21
Setup will discover the missing packages required for the Plesk to function properly, and ask your consent to install them. Type N and then hit enter to proceed.
Step 22
The setup will also install all the selected components and required packages. Note that Plesk installation may take 30 to 45 minutes depending on the connectivity of your VPS. Once Plesk is installed, browse the Plesk URL (https://your-IP-address:8443) to login.
Step 23
Once you are logged into Plesk admin panel, you would need to accept the terms of license agreement.
Step 24
On the next screen, select your choice of Plesk Use and View according to how you would like to use it.
Step 25
Specify full hostname and select the default IP address for your VPS. On this stage, you can also add more IP addresses and reset the root password of your VPS. Once you are done with the changes, click OK button to proceed.
Step 26
On the next screen, specify your company details and click OK button to proceed.
Step 27
We believe you\'ve already obtained the Plesk license key in Step #6. Click on Install Key link.
Step 28
Specify the activation key and click on OK button to proceed.
Step 29
On the next screen, specify the domain name of your first webspace, system user account username and password. Once you are done with the changes, click OK to proceed.
Step 30
Once you finish the setup, you would see the following welcome screen. Simply click on OK, back to Plesk button to skip it, and navigate to Plesk dashboard.
Step 31
From the Dashboard below, you can manage your websites, domains, email accounts, databases, etc. Congratulations !!! You have successfully installed the Plesk panel in Linux machine.
→ Looking for Plesk Panel Pricing? Click on Plesk Pricing for more details.
→ Looking to install Plesk on a Windows server? Please refer to install Plesk on windows for more details.