Video Tutorial:
This article covers the steps to create a CDN Resource for a general website. If your website is HTTPS, please follow this article Enable CDN resource for HTTPS Website
To create a CDN Resource for your website, perform the following steps:
- Login to your client area.
- Go to Services -> My Services.
- Locate CDN Service in your account
- Client on View Details button
- Now, click on the New CDN Resources button to create a new CDN resource for your website.
- Click on HTTP as mentioned in the following image:
- Enter CDN Hostname and Origins, if you wish to add more than one origin, click on Add field button.
- CDN Hostname: which will be your hostname to access CDN resources
- Origin: the location from where your data will be pulled
- If you wish to create CDN with HTTPS, select With SSL (advanced) option from SSL Mode drop-down box.
Note: When you create a CDN with HTTPS, you need to enter CDN hostname without any . (dot) and without top-level domain (i.e., com, net, edu, etc.).
E.g., If your domain name is:, your CDN Hostname would be: cdndomain
Once you create the above, your CDN host will look like For HTTPS CDN, our CDN provider appends their domain so that we can serve your content over HTTPS. - Check the Edge Group option.
- Click on Create CDN Resource to create a CDN resource.
Now, your CDN resources are created. Add a CNAME record for the CDN hostname which can then be used to view the contents. - To get a CNAME record, click on the Details button as mentioned in the following image:
- From DNS Settings, you can get your CNAME record.
- For non-SSL CDN, add the CNAME record in DNS shown in the below image.
- For SSL CDN, DON'T create any DNS record. The client will have to use the value directly in the code like below: - Make the necessary entry from your hosting control panel/DNS provider.
Note: Once you create CNAME, kindly allow a few hours to propagate the CNAME record.