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How to add domain in SmarterMail manually?

Sometimes customers choose to order Windows VPS without any control panel. In this case, the client can manage (add, update and delete) a mail domains from the SmarterMail web interface. This article will assist you to add mail domain from SmarterMail web interface.

 NOTE: Following article is only applicable to Windows VPS customers. Windows Shared Hosting customers do not need to add mail domain manually.
  1. Login to SmarterMail server with Admin user. Once you are logged into SmarterMail web interface, you'll see a list of created domains. Click on New button from the left panel. This will open new domain window.

    > Click on "+ Domain".

  2. Fill up following details in add domain window. You can also keep the default settings and just adding required details such as Domain name, Domain Administrator and Domain Administrator Password.

    • Name - This is your fully qualified domain name (FQDN) e.g. example.com.
    • IP Address - This is the IP address you want to assign for the domain to send mail from.
    • Mailing List Username - This is the username used to send mailing list to users. Default is STSERV.
    • Domain Administrator - The Domain Administrator user has more privileges than other users. This user has access to domain reports regarding space usage.
    • Domain Administrator Password - The password for the Domain Administrator.

  3. After completing the Options tab click on Technical tab to make sure that your port settings are correct. The defaults should work with no issues. Make sure Require SMTP Authentication is checked.

    Technical Settings for a New Domain

  4. Now, click on Features tab to enable/disable features like calendar, contacts, filtering etc., for your domain in SmarterMail.

  5. Now, click on Limits tab, through which you can set limit for your domain like disk space, users, email aliases etc.

  6. All other tab options are optional, so you can set it on your requirement or leave the default settings. Click on Save to apply the changes and add your domain in SmarterMail.

  1. If you have a control panel (WebsitePanel/Plesk) installed on VPS then we recommend you to add a mail domain from the control panel only.
  2. To add multiple domains, SmarterMail edition must be Professional or Enterprise. SmarterMail Free Edition allows single domain only.

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