Maintaining your WordPress website with WP_Debug is an invaluable option. WP Debug is a WordPress built-in feature that displays detailed debugging information to assist you in identifying and resolving errors.
We will walk you through the process of enabling and disabling WP Debug with various options that allowing you to effectively troubleshoot your WordPress site.
What is WP_DEBUG Mode?
WP_DEBUG is an essential tool for troubleshooting and resolving unidentified issues that arise on your WordPress websites. When WP_DEBUG is enabled, it will generate PHP notices, debug messages, and deprecated function alerts on your WordPress website.
By carefully analyzing these errors and notices, you can quickly identify and update the necessary components of your website. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to enable or disable WordPress debug mode in this article post.
Method 1. Use a plugin to enable/disable WP_Debug Mode.
Step 1. Login into your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
Step 2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
Step 3. Start by searching for the "WP Debug" plugin in your WordPress dashboard's plugin section.
Step 4. Once you find it, click on the "Install" button to download and install the plugin. After installation, an "Activate" button will appear in the same location. Click on it to activate the plugin.
Step 5. Now, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Dashboard > Tools > WP Debugging."
Step 6. On the WP Debugging page, you will find an option labeled "Set WP_DEBUG to true." Select the checkbox next to it.
Step 7. Finally, click on the "Save Changes" button to apply the settings.
Congratulations! You have successfully enabled WP_Debug and can now utilize its powerful debugging features to troubleshoot any issues on your WordPress website.
Steps to disable WP_Debug using the plugin
Step 1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Dashboard > Tools > WP Debugging.
Step 2. On the WP Debugging page, find an option labelled "Set WP_DEBUG to true." Deselect the checkbox next to it.
Step 3. Click on the "Save Changes" button to apply the settings.
You have successfully disabled WP_Debug mode.
Method 2 - Use WP Toolkit to enable/disable WP_Debug Mode.
Using the WP Toolkit, you can enable or disable WP_DEBUG:
Step 1. Log in to your control panel where your website is hosted.
Step 2. Click on the "WP Toolkit" option. The location may vary depending on your hosting provider or WordPress management tool you use.
Step 3. Within the WP Toolkit, look for the "Tools" tabs.
Step 4. To enable WP_DEBUG mode, toggle the Debugging switch or checkbox to "On" or "Enabled" within the Tools section.
Step 5. To disable WP_DEBUG mode, toggle the Debugging switch or checkbox to "off" or "disabled” within the Tools section.
WP Toolkit automatically applies the changes as per your selection. Using the WP Toolkit, you can easily enable or disable WP_DEBUG without having to edit configuration files. This is a user-friendly and convenient way to manage WP_DEBUG settings and effectively troubleshoot WordPress issues.
Method 3 - Use Softaculous to enable/disable WP_Debug Mode.
To enable or disable WP_Debug mode using Softaculous, you can follow these steps:
Step 1. Click on the Softaculous Apps Installer, WordPress Manager by Softaculous or Softaculous Auto Installer icon in your hosting account control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk.
Step 2. Click on the WordPress icon in the Softaculous dashboard or search for WordPress in the search bar. You will see your existing WordPress installations on the WordPress installation page.
Step 3. Click on the drop down arrow to view configuration of the website.
Step 4. To enable WP_Debug mode, select the checkbox "Enabled". To disable WP_Debug mode, select the checkbox "Disabled". Softaculous will automatically change Debug Mode status as per your selection.
A user-friendly interface is provided by Softaculous for managing WordPress installations, including the option to enable or disable WP_Debug Mode. In order to troubleshoot and debug your WordPress website, you can easily enable/disable WP_Debug mode through Softaculous by following these steps.
Method 4. Use a wp-config.php file to enable/disable WP_Debug Mode.
Step 1. Use your hosting provider's FTP client or file manager to access your WordPress installation files.
Step 2. Find and open the wp-config.php file in your WordPress installation's root directory.
Step 3. Within the wp-config.php file, find the following code:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
If you did not find the above line you can add this manually in the wp-config.php file.
Step 4. To enable WP_Debug mode, change the value from "false" to "true" like this:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Step 5. To disable WP_Debug mode, change the value back to "false" like this:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Step 6. Save the changes you made to the wp-config.php file. If you have used the FTP method, upload the modified wp-config.php file back to your server to replace the original file.
WP Debug is a powerful tool that can greatly simplify troubleshooting your WordPress website. You can access detailed debugging information by enabling WP Debug, which will help you identify and fix errors more efficiently.
To maintain the security and performance of your WordPress site, remember to enable WP_Debug when actively troubleshooting issues and disable it once you've resolved them. With this guide, you can easily enable/disable WP Debug mode.