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Subscription is suspended automatically in the Plesk server

Here, we will show you the possible way to fix the issue of the subscription which is suspended by the Plesk.


  • Every day the subscription is suspended automatically.

  • Website is not accessible with "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" or "The service is unavailable" error.


It can be suspended according to the settings like expiration date or resource limits.


To fix the issue, you need to check the resource limit of the account. If it is exceeded, then you need to assign more resources to it. Below are the steps on how to increase the resource limit of the account from the Plesk Panel.

Increase the resource limits

  1. Login into Plesk

  2. Find out what limits have been exceeded by a subscription/reseller.

    For a reseller:

    Go to Plesk -> Resellers -> Username -> View More Statistics -> Resources.

    For a subscription:

    Go to Plesk -> Subscriptions -> domain name -> Account -> Resources.

  3. Increase such limits.

After then you need to review the expiration date of the subscription. If it is expired, you need to increase it. You can also set it unlimited. Below are the steps on how to increase the expiration date of the subscription from the Plesk Panel.

Increase the expiration date

  1. Login into Plesk

  2. Activate subscription.

    Plesk -> Subscription -> website name -> Activate

  3. Correct the settings for the subscription.

    Under service plan of subscription under Plesk -> Service Plans -> Service Plan -> Resources

    Also, this parameter can be configured under on subscription level.

    Go to  Plesk -> Subscriptions -> domain name -> Customize -> Resources Tab.

    Note: demovpstest.com is our testing domain name and website. Here, we have used it for testing purposes.

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