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How to install SmarterTrack in Windows VPS?

To install SmarterTrack on your Windows VPS, you will require Microsoft .NET 4.0 framework and Microsoft SQL Server/MySQL server pre-installed. This will ensure that SmarterTrack will have a database to connect during the installation process. For more information on SmarterTrack system requirements, click on this URL. Once you are sure that above prerequisites are installed in your server, follow these instruction to install SmarterTrack on your VPS.

  1. Download the SmarterTrack from the SmarterTrack Download page.
  2. Run the SmarterTrack installer.
  3. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) to continue the setup process.

    Welcome Screen

  4. Unless you choose a different installation folder, the default installation path of SmarterTrack will be C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterTrack\.

    Folder Selection

  5. The InstallShield Wizard will finish the SmarterTrack installation. You will now need to run and complete the Setup Wizard.
  6. Once InstallShield Wizard is finished installing SmarterTrack, the setup wizard will be opened in the default browser of your VPS on URL http://localhost:9996/GettingStarted.htm. On this screen, click on Begin Setup button.

    Begin Setup

  7. The Setup Wizard will walk you through to configure the database connection setup. If you don't want to change the default settings, click on Next button.

    DB Connection

  8. In the next screen, the Setup Wizard will ask you for the License key which can be activated later on. Click on Next button.

    License Activation

  9. Ente you company, website name and click on Nextbutton. At this point, you can setup the timezone of SmarterMail server and upload the company logo. Click Next button.

    Company Setup

  10. Create Administrator account and setup the password. Click on Next button.

    User Setup

  11. In the next screen, configure the default SMTP settings. If you want to confgure the same later, just click on Next button.

    SMTP Settings

  12. Once you have completed the Setup Wizard, the system will automatically log you in to the SmarterTrack portal as the administrator as follows.

    Welcome Message

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