Can I Monitor and Login To User's Account As SmarterMail Administrator?

Yes, you can monitor and login to user's mailboxes as SmarterMail administrator using Impersonate feature of SmarterMail. Using this feature, admin user can quickly log into user account, change settings or diagnose problems with an account. This feature is only available to admin user. 

  1. Log into SmarterMail with admin user. Click on Manage and then click on Impersonate in the navigation pane.

    Manage Accounts

  2. A new window will display asking you for the email address. Enter full email address you wish to impersonate and click OK.

    Impersonate Account

  3. You will be directed to user's account. From there, you may edit user settings, content filters, or whatever other part of the account that needs to be changed.

  4. Closing the window will end the impersonation.

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