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Why do my email receipients receive (?????) question marks when I send emails using Arabic text?

Sometimes, emails sent through the SmarterMail containing Arabic texts, show the question marks (??????) at recipient's end. Let’s see how to resolve it:
  1. Login to SmarterMail as Admin user. (If you have domain admin details rather Admin details, please jump to step #4)

  2. Click on Domains (Earth Icon), you will see here list of all domains hosted in SmarterMail.

    Go to Domains Option in SmarterMail

  3. Check the checkbox of domain in question and click on Manage option.

  4. In next tab, SmarterMail Domain Admin Panel will open.

    SmarterMail Admin Panel will be Opened

  5. Click on Users, you wll see the list of all email addresses created with this domain name.

  6. Check the Checkbox of an email address in question and Click Edit button.

  7. In the Compose tab, from the Text Encoding drop down select “Arabic (ISO)” or Unicode (UTF-8).

    Change Text Encoding Type and Save

  8. Click on Save button.

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