How to check the status of SmarterMail services?

Sometimes the improper status for SmarterMail services can cause email sending/receiving failure. You can check the status of SmarterMail services and make it active if you are facing problem in sending/receiving emails. You can perform the following steps to check the status of SmarterMail services:

  1. Login to SmarterMail using Admin user.

    SmarterMail Login Page

  2. Click on Manage → Services.

    Click on Manager and Go to Services Option

  3. Make sure that all the services are active, if any service is inactive, you can start it by selecting that service and press on Start button from top.

    Check the Status and Start/Stop SmarterMail Services

You Can See The Following Services:

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

This service is used to retrieve emails from your mail server. In this protocol, emails are received and held by the mail server.

IMAP Retrieval

This service is used to retrieve emails from another mail server (like gmail).


This service is used to provide indexing to the messages, contacts, calendars, tasks and notes. Using this service users can easily search for specific mailbox items via the Web interface.


POP (Post Office Protocol)

This is same as IMAP which is used to retrieve emails from your mail server, however the difference between IMAP and POP is that, in IMAP emails are stored in the mail server and in POP once user reads the mail, it is immediately downloaded in the computer and no longer available on the server.


POP Retrieval

Same as IMAP Retrieval, but in POP retrieval, mail is read from external POP servers and saved in a mailbox on your mail server.


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

This Protocol is used to send the emails to another server.

Spool (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations OnLine)

All emails first go to spool. For outgoing, first it goes to spool and then server tries to deliver it. If it fails to deliver, it will keep the email in spool according to spool settings. For incoming emails, first it goes in spool and then server tries to deliver the email to appropriate email account.


XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)

This is an open-source IM protocol. SmarterMail provides chat functionality in its Web interface using this protocol. This service may be inactive if your SmarterMail server does not supports this protocol.

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