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How to change the RDP user's password in Windows Server 2003/2008?

Follow the below mentioned steps to change the RDP [Remote Desktop] user's password in Windows Server 2003/2008:


  1. Log on to the computer using the Administrator user.

  2. Click on Start, right-click My Computer and then click on Manage.

    Open Server Manager

  3. Expand Configuration, click on Local Users and Groups. From the details pane, double-click on Users.

    Go to Local Users and Groups and Double Click on Users

  4. Here, right-click the user for which you want to change the password, and click on Set Password option.

    Click on Set Password... Option from User's Properties

  5. A warning dialog box opens. Read the information to determine whether you want to proceed with the step to change the password. Then, click on Proceed.

    Click on Proceed Button to Change the Password

  6. In New Password, type a new password. In Confirm Password, re-type the new password and then click on OK.

    Specify New Password for the User and Save


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