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FrontPage 2003 - Opening your website

Note: The FrontPage is outdated and we do not support it anymore. 

Here are the instructions on how to open your website on your local hard drive and on the server. The screen shots below are of Microsoft FrontPage 2002 but the web opening process is the same for all versions of FrontPage.

Opening your web on the server

  1. To open your website on the server, you will need to open FrontPage and click on File/Open Web as shown below:

    Open Website in FrontPage 2003

  2. A new window will pop up giving you a selection of where to look for your website (shown below). You can do one of the two things to open your web. If this is the first time you have opened your web on the server, you will have to type in your website address in the Web Name or Folder Name field. If you have already opened your website on the server, you can click on Web Folders or My Network Places depending on which operating system you are using and select your website from the list.

    Once you have typed in the web address or selected it from the list then click Open. Your website will then be opened in FrontPage. Remember that any changes you make to your web when you open it on the server are saved directly to the server. Be careful not to accidentally delete or change anything that you do not have a backup copy of on your hard drive.

    Select a Web to Open

Opening your web on your local hard drive

  1. To open your website on your local hard drive, you will need to open FrontPage and click on File/Open Web as shown below:

    Open Website in FrontPage 2003

  2. A new window will pop up giving you a selection of where to look for your website (shown below). If you saved your website in the My Documents folder you can click on the icon on the left side of the window (shown below). If you saved your web in another folder, then you will need to use the Look in box to browse and locate the folder.

    Once you have found your website folder then click Open. Your website will then be opened in FrontPage. Remember that any changes that you make to your web when you open it on your hard drive are not saved directly to the server. If you accidentally delete or change anything, then you always have a backup copy on the server.

    Select Folder to Open Web

Please Click Here to view the article for publishing the website.

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