Yes, You can secure the subdomain using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). As you need to install SSL on, you must use as an FQDN.
This article contains information about the FQDN. If you don't know what FQDN is, please read it.
What is FQDN?
FQDN means Fully Qualified Domain Name. A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is the complete Internet address of a specific server, website, or other entity accessing the Internet.
In the FQDN includes TLD(Like .com, .net, .org), second-level domain name (such as ""), third level of domain name (such as "") and possibly additional elements.
A fully qualified domain name is always written in this format: [hostname]. [domain]. [tld].
The following is a list of fully qualified domain names:
You can purchase our premium Rapid SSL Certificate plan and secure the website.
Our SSL certificates now provide support for 256-bit encryption. Hence if the browser and server can process 256-bit encryption, the SSL session will be 256-bit.
To find product information, please see our SSL Certificate page:
Contact our Support Team through Phone/Ticket/Chat if you have any questions.
That's it!