ERROR Local DNS DCV error ( The DNS query to
“” for the DCV challenge returned no “TXT” record that matches the value “_cpanel-dcv-test-record=EJuIYtD_RKza1KgnOa1AZgqSNkgKYuoDNkWq8RW1OLxjsxd1fhonqjUhSF5HRmCg”
You may receive this error if your domain is not using the server IP Addresses in domain nameservers or doesn’t have a proper DCV record at path /well-known/pki-validation/***.txt record.
You can point the nameserver to the main server of which AutoSSL you want to use or setup the .well-known/pki-validation folder for the DCV record.
Your issue should be fixed with this.
If you are still facing any issues, you can send us a support ticket.