Following are the steps to install MailEnable service on Windows VPS.
- Download the Mail Enable Installer from the URL
- Enter the Name and Company Name. Run the setup and Click Next.
- Select Webmail server, WebAdmin Service and Migration Center click Next.
- Keep the Default Destination folder as it is.
- Name of the Programme manager will remain the same as Mail enable and click Next.
- Enter the Fully Qualified Domain name (VPS Hostname) inside Domain name and DNS IP Address of your server. SMTP Port will be 25 or 587 and click Next.
- Click on Finish Button to complete the Installation.
- You are now at MailEnable Dashboard Page.
→ Looking to set up a webmail account in MailEnable? Please refer to the setup webmail for more details.
→ Looking to install SSL on MailEnable? Please refer to the install SSL for more details.