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Password Policy for Shared Hosting Email Accounts

Shared Web Hosting

cPanel/ WHM enables admins to define the minimum password strength for all cPanel/ WHM features requiring password authentication via Password Strength Configuration

This feature ranks the password's strength on a scale of 0 to 100. We have also utilized this feature in our Shared Web Hosting Servers and set a minimum password strength. 

For example, the default password strength in our Shared Web Hosting accounts is 65, which means that when you add a new email account via cPanel, the password strength score must be 65 or above.


Windows Shared Hosting

Unlike Linux servers, our Windows Shared Hosting plans are hosted under clustered architecture. Hence, your web applications, databases, and mailboxes will reside in three separate servers, along with their password policies. 

Our Windows mail server is configured with the following minimum password requirements –  

  1. The minimum password length should be 6 characters or more.
  2. Password must contain at least one number.
  3. Password must contain at least one symbol.
  4. Password must not match the username.

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