This article will assist you in managing your Shared Linux cPanel account from the client area. At the client area, you are given some quick and handy cPanel shortcuts to manage your cPanel account so you do need to log in to cPanel.
3. On the next screen, you will see several panes like Actions, Usage Statistics, Quick Shortcuts, Quick Create Email Account,etc.
4. Under the Actions pane, you can log in to cPanel or webmail with one click. Additionally, you can change the cPanel account password and initiate the service cancellation. Under Usage Statistics, you can check the current disk and bandwidth usage of your cPanel account.
5. Under Quick Shortcuts, you are given some frequently used tools of cPanel. Using these cPanel shortcuts, you can perform some quick operations like access addon domains, email accounts, MySQL databases, etc. without logging into cPanel.
6. Under Quick Create Email Account, you can create an email account from the client area itself.
Looking to create a support ticket from the client area? Please refer to the Create a support ticket for more details.
Looking to cancel the service? Please refer to cancel your service for more details.
Want to know how to pay an unpaid Invoice? Please refer to Pay Unpaid Invoice for more details.