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Comparison of Classic VPS V/s. Premium VPS V/s. SSD VPS

Following are the most common differences between, Classic Windows VPS, Premium Windows VPS and SSD Windows VPS plans.

Service / Hardware Option

Classic Windows VPS

Premium Windows VPS

SSD Windows VPS

Operating System Updates

Managed by Client Managed by Client Included (On Client Request)

Troubleshooting VPS Server Issues

Client Responsibility Basic Support Included Fully Managed

Port Speed


Complementary Backups

Included Included Included

Paid Backups

Add-On Add-On Add-On

VPS Monitoring

Add-On Add-On Included

Service Management Option

Self-Managed Basic Support Included Fully Managed

HDD drives

Supported by RAID 10 High Speed Enterprise Grade Nimble SAN storage Supported by RAID 10 High Speed Enterprise Grade Nimble SAN storage Supported by RAID 6 Ultra fast Enterprise Class SSD Drives

Looking to compare Premium Windows VPS vs. Classic Windows VPS? Please refer to Compare Windows VPS for more details. 

Looking to compare CLASSIC VPS V/S. SSD VPS V/S. CLOUD VPS? Please refer to Compare VPS for more details. 

Looking to compare HARD DRIVES V/S. SSD DRIVES? Please refer to Compare Hard-Drive for more details. 

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