Following are the steps for generating the CSR key and installing SSL Certificate in Windows Server 2012 IIS 8.
Steps to Generate a CSR Key for an SSL Certificate:
1. Open IIS manager.
2. Click on the Computer name and select the Server Certificates option.
3. Click on Create Certificate Request... option from the Action Pane.
4. You will see a Request Certificate wizard, fill in all the details and click on the Next button.
- Common Name: Your domain name (e.g.,
- Organization: Name of your company
- Organizational unit: Name of your department
- City/locality: The city in which your organization is located
- State/province: The state in which your organization is located
- Country/Region: Two-digit country code (i.e., US for the United States) -- Looking for your country 2 digit code? Get 2digit > country code for more details.
5. Select the Cryptographic service provider from the list, select the bit length of the encryption key, and click the Next button.
6. Specify the filename with the full path where you need your CSR key. You can also click the "…" button to move to the particular path and provide the file name. Finally, click the Finish button to generate the CSR Key file.
7. Your CSR key for SSL Certificate is generated. Now open your CSR key file and copy it, including the “-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----” and “-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----” lines. Paste this code into the online order process and complete the ordering process.
When you get the SSL Certificate, perform the following steps to install it:
1. Open IIS Manager.
2. Click on Server Certificates.
3. Select the Complete Certificate Request option from the right side pane.
4. You will see Complete Certificate Request wizard. Specify the full path of your certificate or select it by clicking on the "…" button. Provide a unique, friendly name to identify your SSL Certificate and select the certificate store; usually, it should be Personal.
5. Click on the Ok button. Your SSL certificate is installed successfully.
6. Now, you will need to assign this certificate to your website.
7. From the IIS Manager, select the website to which you want to assign SSL Certificate.
8. From the right-side action pane, click on Bindings.
9. A Site Bindings dialog box will be displayed. The default binding for the website will be on port 80. Select the http type and click on the Edit button if you want to use only the https:// protocol for your website.
10. However, if you wish to run your website on both protocols (i.e., http:// and https://), click on Add button to add bindings.
11. Add Site Binding dialog box will appear; choose https as a type of binding, and select the unique IP address for your website. https:// protocol uses 443 port; keep this port as it is. The Hostname is an optional field, type hostname in the Host Header box if you wish. From the dropdown list, select the name of the certificate which we created earlier.
12. Click on the OK button. To check the SSL is installed and configured correctly, click on the Browse button.
If your website loads without any error, your SSL Certificate is configured properly. Looking to set a secure seal on your website? Click on SSL > Secure Seal for more details.