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How to create secured folders/password protected directory from WebsitePanel?

Following article will provide you the step by step guidance on how to create Secured Folders in WebsitePanel:

  1. Login to WebsitePanel.

  2. Go to Web and click on Web Sites.

    Select Websites Option from WebsitePanel

  3. Select the web site for which you would like to create secured folders e.g. accu-test.com.

    Select Particular Website for Which You Need to Add Secured Folder

  4. Click on Secured Folders tab.

    Click on Secured Folders Tab

  5. Click on Enable Secured Folders button.

    Click on Enable Secured Folders Button

  6. Click on Add User.

    Add a User Who Can Access Secured Folder

  7. Fill up the username and password in User Name and User Password fields and click on Save.

    Fill All Details to Add a User

  8. Click on Add Folder.

    Click on Add Folder Button to Add Secured Folder

  9. Specify the below mentioned details to add a secured folder:

    • Folder Title: Specify the title of the folder.
    • Folder Path: Select the path of the folder that you want to secure.
    • Allowed Users Select the user to whom you want to allow to access the folder.

    Select Folder Path and User to Add Secured Folder

  10. Click on Update.

    Update All Changes to Enable Secured Folder

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