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What are the requirements for secure folder/password protected directories?

To use secure folder with WebsitePanel, you will need WebsitePanel IIS Modules installed. You can download this module from here. Make sure you meet the following prerequisites, before you install it.


  • IIS 7 and Windows 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 or higher (in Windows Server 2008, it will be pre installed).

To use this module for a specific website, you must meet following 2 conditions.

  1. Windows Authentication is disabled.
  2. Website's application pool is working in Integrated mode.

Adding modules in IIS 7

  1. Open Internet Information Services (Start >> Run type inetmgr and hit enter).
  2. Under Connections pane, click on your server name.
  3. Under Feature view, locate and double click Modules option.

    IIS Module

  4. From Actions pane, click on Add Managed Module option.
  5. Expand Type drop down list and select WebsitePanel.IIsModules.SecureFolders, WebsitePanel.IIsModules module.

    Add Managed Module

  6. Type SecureFoldersModule to the Name field.
  7. Leave Invoke only for requests checkbox unchecked.
  8. Click on OK button.

Enable Wildcard Mapping in IIS 7

You could enable wildcard mapping to ASP.NET ISAPI either for all websites or just for a particular website.

  1. To enable wildcard mapping for all web sites (globally), select the server name in Connections panel. To enable wildcard mapping for particular website,  exapand the Sites and select your website.

  2. In Features view, locate and double click Handler Mappings. From Actions pane click Add Wildcard Script Map.

    Handler Mappings

  3. Enter path to ASP.NET ISAPI into Executable field, specify the name in Name field.

    Wildcard Script Map

     For 64-bit framework: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll

    For 32-bit framework: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
  4. Click OK button to save the changes.

  5. Now open global web.config in the following location:

    For 64-bit framework: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\web.config
    For 32-bit framework:
  6. Add the following code inside "configuration/system.web/httpModules" element:

    <location path="Web-Site-Name">
    <add name="SecureFoldersModule" type="WebsitePanel.IIsModules.SecureFolders, WebsitePanel.IIsModules, Version= , Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=37f9c58a0aa32ff0"/>
  7. Change version value to the currently installed Module version. You could check assembly version by opening its properties in Windows Explorer or in C:\Windows\assembly-folder-name.

Configure WebsitePanel

  1. To enable Secure Folders module in WebsitePanel, login to WebsitePanel with serveradmin user.
  2. At WebsitePanel home page, Go to Configuration >> Servers >> click Internet Information Services 7.0.

    Select Services

  3. In Secure Folders section enter the following value in Module Assembly field and keep other fields blank.

    Secure Folders

    WebsitePanel.IIsModules.SecureFolders, WebsitePanel.IIsModules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=37f9c58a0aa32ff0.
  4. Change version value to the currently installed Module version. You could check assembly version by opening its properties in Windows Explorer or in C:\Windows\assembly-folder.
  5. Click on Update button to save the settings.
  6. Try to add secure folder from WebsitePanel. You can contact us anytime if you face any difficulties while performing the steps.

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