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How to white-list/blacklist the domain/email in the SpamExpert?

You may require to whitelist/blacklist any of the specific Email address or domain in the SpamExpert Panel. Following are the steps to whitelist/blacklist in SpamExpert Panel.

Whitelisting Incoming Email account in SpamExperts

  1. Login to the SpamExpert Panel.

  2. Click on sender whitelist.

  3. Click on Add whitelist sender and It will open a box to enter details. In the Address field, enter the required email account which you want to whitelist. Enter @domain.com to whitelist entire domain and *com to whitelist entire TLD.

  4. Click on save button.

         You can view the whitelisted sender in whitelist sender.


Blacklist Incoming Email account in SpamExperts

  1. Login to the SpamExpert Panel.

  2. Click on sender Blacklist.

  3. Click on Add Blacklist sender and It will open a box to enter details. In the Address field, enter the required email account which you want to blacklist. Enter @domain.com to Blacklist entire domain and *com to blacklist entire TLD.

  4. Click on save button.

       You can view the blacklisted sender in Blacklist sender.


Looking to integrate Spam Expert on cPanel? Click on cPanel > Configure Spam Expert for more details. To configure Spam Expert on Windows, click on Windows > Configure Spam Expert.

Get more FAQs on SpamExpert service. SpamExpert > FAQ.

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