This article will assist you to renew your Domain for additional years from your Client Area. You can perform the following steps to renew a domain for additional years from your Client Area.
- Login to your client area from here.
- Click on the Domains >> Renew Domains.
- Here you will find the list of Active Domains. Select the Domain which you want to renew for the additional years. From the Drop-Down, you can select the years until you want to renew the Domain.
Note: You can renew your Domain for 10-year Maximum. We do send Domain renewal invoice 30 days prior to your Domain renewal Due Date. This will allow you to renew the Domain as per your existing billing cycle with us.
- Click on the Order Now button and it will take you the payment gateway to the complete the Domain Renewal.
Looking to create raise a support ticket from the client area? Please refer to the Create a support ticket for more details.
Facing an issue logging into the client area? Please refer to log in to Client-area for more details.