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Comparison of MS SQL Server 2014 Express Edition V/s. MS SQL Server 2014 Web Edition

Following is a brief comparison between MSSQL Server 2014 Express Edition and MSSQL Server 2014 Web Edition.


Features SQL Server 2014 Express
(with Advanced Services)
SQL Server 2014 Web
Cost Free of Cost Core Based Licensing
($30/month for upto 4 Virtual Cores)
Number of CPUs Supported 1 4
Maximum Memory Utillization
(per instance of Database Engine)
1GB 64 GB
Maximum Database Size 10GB 524 PB
Maximum Memory Utilization
(per instance of Reporting Services)
4 GB 64 GB
Multi-Instance Support 50 50
Transact-SQL Endpoints No Yes
Supported Data Source SQL Server Edition Express Web

Looking to verify your existing MSSQL Edition. Please refer to MSSQL > Check Edition for more details.

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