How to enable/disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC) in Windows Server 2008 & 2012?

Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) mode eliminates the chances of an attack on the server by the malicious Web site. However, this can lead websites to load improperly. By default, the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration setting is enabled on your Windows instance. For a smoother Web experience, this can be disabled. This article describes the steps to disabling IE ESC settings on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.

Windows Server 2008:

1. Open Server Manager.

2. On the Server Manager, under the Security Information, click on Configure IE ESC option.

Click on Configure IE ESC Option in Windows Server 2008

3. A new window will be popped out; On/Off IE ESC setting for the Administrator account or User accounts, and click the OK button to save the changes.

Disable IE ESC Setting by Clicking on Off in Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2012:

1. Open Server Manager.

Open Server Manager in Windows Server 2012

2. From Dashboard, click Local Server from the left pane.

From Dashboard Select Local Server Option in Windows Server 2012

3. On the right side of the screen, you can see the IE Enhanced Security Configuration option.

4. Click On the link to disable the setting.

Click ON Link to Disable the Setting

5. A new window will be popped out. Click Off for the Administrator account or User accounts and click the OK button to save the changes.

Click on Off Button to DIsable IE ESC Configuration in Windows Server 2012

6. From the top of the Server Manager, click on the Refresh button; the IE Enhanced Security Configuration option should show as Off.

Click on Refresh Button to Verify the Modified Setting in Windows Server 2012

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