How To Check Running Processes Of MSSQL and MySQL?

The MSSQL processes will give you the data of the load running on your database server.

This is a key point if you are running a big business, and your databases are a very important aspect.

If the MSSQL processes run high, it may impact your server's performance or prove some of the service's crashes.

The SQL Activity Monitor is the finest way to check all the processes of the SQL server available in SQL Server Management Studio.

The MSSQL process includes the following information.

ID -> Number of running processes (Process ID)

User -> User of process

Login name -> Current login users

Database -> Database on which the process is running

Task -> Current running task type

Command -> Command being executed in the process

Host -> From where the processes are running by the users

Application -> Application name

Time -> Time taken by the process

How to check the running processes of MSSQL?

Log in to Windows Server.

Open MSSQL Management Studio and log in as a 'sa' user.

Go to Activity Monitor on the top icons of the management studio.

You will see the information about the SQL Server resources in the SQL activity monitor.

Expand the Processes tab to see all the running processes of the SQL server.


The MySQL processes will give you the data of the load running on your database server.

This is a key point if you are running a big business, and your databases are a very important aspect.

If the MySQL processes run high, it may impact your server's performance or prove some of the service's crashes.

The MySQL process includes the following information.

ID -> Number of running processes (Process ID)

User -> User of process

Host -> From where the processes are running by the users

Database -> Database on which the process is running

Command -> Command being executed in the process

Time -> Time taken by the process

State -> Action/Event of the process

Information -> Information about the process

How to check the running processes of MySQL?

1) From WHM/cPanel panel:

Login to the WHM panel.

Search MySQL Processes under the SQL Services section on the left side of the WHM panel.

You will see the running MySQL processes.

2) From SSH:

Login to the server via SSH.

Go to MySQL command line by commanding mysql.

Type the show processlist command to see running MySQL processes.


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