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How to place Shared hosting order from the Accu Webhosting website?

We provide several types of shared hosting services. The way to order all types of shared hosting is the same. We have given an example below to place the shared hosting order from the AccuWebhosting website. 

  • Web Hosting: Click on the Shared hosting service that you want to purchase. We will select Linux Shared Hosting Service, for example. Select Hosting -> Web Hosting.

  • Select the Plan: On the below product page, you can select the plan as per your requirements. Here, we have selected Premium ++ as an example.

  • Find Nearest Hosting Location: You can use the Find Nearest Hosting Location link to check the optimal server location for your hosting service.

  • You can go with the recommended location which offers the lowest latency and click on Order Now!.
  • Please wait till the Order Now button turns blue and then click on the button.

  • Select Server Location: You can also select the location from the Linux Shared Hosting page by clicking on the Select Server Location drop-down, after confirming the optimal location from the "Find Nearest Hosting Location" link.

  • Choose Billing Cycle: You can select the billing cycle for your shared hosting service. We offer Monthly, annual, and tri-annual billing cycles in Shared hosting.

  • Renewal Price: You can check the renewal price of your hosting service.

  • Order Now: Here, we will select a tri-annual billing cycle. Click on the Order now button to proceed further.

  • Choose a Domain: By clicking on the Order Now button, you will be redirected to a new window where you need to Choose a Domain.
  • Here, you will get the three options: 
    1. Register a new domain:
      If you do not have a domain name yet, you should register the domain name. Click on the button beside “Register the new domain” and enter the domain name you want to purchase.

    2. Transfer your domain from another host:
      If you already have a domain name with another provider and want to transfer the domain at Accuwebhostig, select the option “Transfer your domain from another host” enter the domain name you want to transfer, and click on the “Transfer” button.
    3. I will use my existing domain and update the nameserver:
      If you already have a domain name at another provider and you just want to use the hosting service of Accuwebhosting. Select the option “I will use my existing domain and update the nameserver”. Enter the domain name in the first field and t in the next field. Click on the Use button to proceed further.

  • Here, we have selected the third option "I will use my existing domain and update the nameserver" as an example.

  • Once you click on it, a configuration window will be opened. Here, you can see the resources allocated to your selected shared Plan. 
  • Click on the Continue button to go to the checkout window.

  • Here, you can review your order and if it is okay you can click on the checkout button to proceed further.

  • In the check-out window, if you have an account with us, then you need to click on the Already Registered button. If you are a new user then you need to fill all the fields with accurate data.

  • Billing Section: In the billing section, you need to fill in all the details. 

  • In the account security section, you need to set a password for your Accu client area (It is an account from where you can manage your product, invoice, ticket.) Select a security question from the Please choose a security question field and answer it on the field Please enter an answer. It is mandatory. It will be required when you want to reset the password of your Accu account.

  • In the payment section, you can select the payment method. We do provide PayPal and Credit Card payment methods. In the additional Notes section, you can add a note for your shared hosting order.

  • Click on the Complete Order button to finish the order.

Please be informed, that we do provide Windows-shared hosting only at the Denver location so in Windows-shared hosting you will not get the option to select the location.

That's all.

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