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WordPress Login Issue: Could not save password reset key to database

For the WordPress admin account, when you try to reset a lost password for the WordPress admin account, you may get the following error - Could not save password reset key to database.


This error will cause the WordPress account to be locked. This error happens when the WordPress account faces an issue with writing on your Database due to insufficient disk space. Since it is a simple WordPress-related issue, you don't need to worry.

There are two options to fix this issue. You can either increase the disk space of your cPanel account or remove the unwanted content

By default, the WP-content folder of WordPress will store all the content; you can remove the unwanted files/ folders from the wp-content to free up the disk space.

Important Note
We recommend taking your whole WordPress account Backup to a separate disk before making any changes.

Please refer to the following steps to remove files and folders from the wp-content folder in WordPress with cPanel – 

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. Click on File Manager.

3. Navigate to your WordPress and click on wp-content.

4. Here, you will see your content.
    Assess the unwanted content for your WordPress and remove it.
5. Now, go again to reset the WordPress password.
    It should work fine.

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