This article will assist you in obtaining the EPP code/Secret Key from the DirectI Domain Control Panel. Please note that DirectI is one of AccuWebHosting's channel registrars. The following steps are only applicable to customers whose domains are registered under our channel registrar, DiretcI.
1. Log in to the DirectI Domain Control Panel.
2. On the control panel home page, in the upper right-hand corner, click on your user name. Then click on the My Account Link.
3. Under the Manage Orders Menu, click on the List/Search Orders link.
4. Click on your domain name whose EPP code you wish to obtain. This will open the manage domain page.
5. Click on the Domain Secret link. This will open the Manage Domain Secret page.
6. On this page, you will see the existing EPP code. You can copy this EPP key and place the domain transfer order at the new registrar. If you wish to create a new EPP key, you can enter the new key in the box and click on the Update Domain Secret button to save it.