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How Do I Point My Websites to VPS?

This article will guide you to point your websites to VPS. You can point your websites to VPS in the following 2 ways.

1 Use Domain Registrar's Nameservers

While you register a domain with any registrar, you are given a default set of the nameserver. If you do not want to use DNS services of web host/VPS, you can use these default nameservers (DNS services of your domain registrar). In this case, the DNS Zone of your domain will be created at the DNS server of the registrar and you can manage the DNS records from the domain control panel (control panel provided by the domain registrar).

You can change default nameservers by replacing them with the nameservers given by your web hosting provider. When you replace default nameservers with web hosting provider’s nameservers, you will be using DNS services of your web host and the DNS Zone of your domain will be created at the DNS Server of your web host. In this case, you can manage DNS records through a web hosting control panel provided by your web host.

When you decide to use the DNS services of the domain registrar, you will have to contact your registrar and ask them to change your domain's A records with your VPS IP address. If you think you are able to perform this task on your own, you can add the following A records at the registrar's control panel. Once these records are added, it will take 24 to 48 hours in global propagation and your website will start pointing to your VPS.

  • www.................A.........................Your VPS_IP_address
  • (blank)..............A.........................Your VPS_IP_address
  • *......................A..........................Your VPS_IP_address
  • mail..................A.........................Your VPS_IP_address
  • MX...............................................mail.your-domain-name.com

2 Create and Use VPS’ Custom/Private/Child Nameservers

Once you create child/custom nameservers, you can use them for all your domains hosted on your VPS. Suppose, you have an existing domain name "yourdomain.com" and you wish to point it to your VPS, first you will create Custom/Private/Child nameservers on this domain, for example:

2.1 Register Custom/Private/Child Nameservers at Domain Registrar

Login to domain control panel (control panel provided by domain registrar to manage domain) and register above child/private/custom nameservers. All domain registrars would have their own GUI and hence their own steps to register custom nameservers. Hence, we have compiled a series of tutorials to register the private nameservers at various registrars.
  • If you do not find your registrar in this tutorial list, you can contact them directly (with your VPS IP address) to register custom nameservers for you.
  • If you find the registrar's control panel GUI different from the shown in the video tutorials, you can contact them to register custom nameservers for you.
  • If you have domain registration services with AccuWebHosting, just submit a ticket from Client Area, we will register them for you.

Once custom nameservers have been registered, follow the below-mentioned steps.

2.2 Host Domain/Website

Windows VPS (SolidCP)

Please refer to the SolidCP tutorials to host and manage your domains from SolidCP.

Linux VPS (cPanel)

Once nameservers have been registered, you will have to host the domain from cPanel/WHM. Either you can create new hosting account (cPanel account) in WHM, or you can add a new domain as an addon domain in the existing cPanel account.


2.3 Set/Change Nameservers

Windows VPS (SolidCP)

If you have purchased Windows VPS with SolidCP, you can refer to the SolidCP tutorial to change the DNS for more details.

Linux VPS (cPanel)

Please refer to the following article to manage DNS in cPanel.

2.4 Set Private Nameservers to Domain

Login to the registrar's control panel and set newly registered nameservers. You can also contact your registrar to set nameservers for you. Once custom nameservers are registered, you can use them for all the domains you have hosted on your VPS. You can verify whether you have pointed your website correctly to your VPS or not through online DNS lookup tools like MyDNS.Is. If everything goes well, your website will start pointing to your VPS within 24 to 48 hours after setting up the nameservers.

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