What Is Order Execution Time For Shared, VPS And Dedicated Server Orders?

After placing an order on our website, your order will undergo an automated verification process. This process will verify your payment status, email address, and phone number.

Order & Payment Verification Timeline:

1. Payment verification:

A payment verification process usually takes 20 to 30 minutes; in rare cases, it may take up to 12 hours.

2. Phone number and Email address verification:

When a new account is created, the first order will be executed only once the registered phone number and email address have been verified. A verification code is texted to the registered number, and a verification link is sent to the email address. The verification process may take some time.

3. Order verification:

In some cases, customers may be required to submit additional documents as part of the order verification process. Once the documents have been submitted, the verification process may take approximately 2 to 3 hours.

Order Execution Timeline:

Once the order & payment verification is completed, the next step is the order execution:

Shared Hosting Orders:

Upon completion of the verification process, shared hosting orders are executed immediately. If you do not receive login details within 60 minutes, please get in touch with our support team.

VPS Hosting Orders:

After completing the order verification process, the order will be queued for processing. Our order execution department will configure the VPS based on the queue.

Your VPS will be delivered to you within 24 hours if you select standard delivery; if you select priority delivery, it will be configured within 4 hours after the order/payment verification process has been completed.

Dedicated Server Orders:

The configuration process may take 48 - 72 hours to complete. Once it is completed, we will send the login details on your registered email address.

Upon receiving the order for a dedicated server, we check our inventory to determine the availability of hardware. In the case of unavailability of the required hardware, we notify our clients with an estimated time for the arrival of hardware in the inventory. We can also propose an alternative configuration.


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