How to set Email Auto-responder in Plesk?

Please refer to the following steps to create an auto-responder for an email account in Plesk.

  1. Log in to your Plesk Panel.

  2. At Website and Domains, click on Mail Accounts.

  3. Select your email account on which you want to set auto-response. 

  4. Click on the Auto-Reply button. 

  5. Enter all the details on the below page to set up your email auto-reply.
  • Switch On auto-reply: Tick the check box to enable auto-reply.

  • Auto-reply Message subject: Enter the subject line for your auto-reply.

  • Message format: Select the format for the auto-reply. You can choose it from the radio button of Plain text or HTML.

  • Auto-reply message text: Enter your auto-reply in this box.

  • Forward To: Here, you can enter the email account to forward the original email to the specified email address. There is an option to attach a file contains your auto-reply. You can go with this option if you don't want to type your message in the auto-reply box.

  • Send an automatic response to a unique email address no more than (times a day): By default, 1 is selected in this option. This option means how many times you want to send auto-respond to a single email address in a day. 

  • Attach a file: If you want to set an attachment with your auto-response, you can set it from here. 

  1. Finally, click the OK button to set up your auto-reply.

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