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Necessary Windows Updates Required on Hyperv :: London Data Center

  • 31st August 2023
Dear Valued Clients,We have received an update from our server technicians indicating that ACCUHyperV-OVLON server requires the installation of Critical Windows updates. This maintenance schedule will involve approximately 60 to 90 minutes of downtime.This maintenance will affect your VPS if your VPS name starts with OVLONS01, OVLONE01, OVLONE03 ...
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Emergency Maintenance : ACCUSSDHyperV53

  • 23rd August 2023
Dear Valued Clients, We have received an update from our server technicians indicating that the ACCUSSDHyperV53  server requires some critical updates on firmware. This maintenance schedule will involve approximately 20 to 30 minutes of downtime. This maintenance will affect your VPS if your VPS hostname starts with SSD53 or ...
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Necessary Windows Updates Required on HyperV Servers - Denver Data Center

  • 15th August 2023
Dear Valued Clients,We have received an update from our server technicians indicating that ALL AccuHyperV servers require the installation of Critical Windows updates and the latest backup agent. This maintenance schedule will involve approximately 90 to 120 minutes of downtime.This maintenance will affect your VPS if your VPS name starts with SE, ...
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Emergency Maintenance : ACCUSSDHyperV53

  • 9th August 2023
Dear Valued Clients, We have received an update from our server technicians indicating that the ACCUSSDHyperV53  server requires some critical updates on firmware. This maintenance schedule will involve approximately 40 to 60 minutes of downtime. This maintenance will affect your VPS if your VPS hostname starts with SSD53 or ...
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